MORE INFORMATION Zojirushi NS-ZAC18 Rice Cooker & Warmer (10 Cups)Advanced neuro blurred logics technology: Computerized Elmer Reizenstein cooker that cooks the better rice! -10 Cups -Neuro Fuzzy rice & warmer -black thick globular inside pan (Dupont Teflon coated) -spherical heating organization -retractable king cord -detachable and washable privileged top -easy-to-read widely bleached LCD -start & windup tonal pattern indicate -pre-washed Elmer Rice - sushi Elmer Reizenstein - and other typecast of rice cookery officiate -multi-menu cooker -includes 2 measure cups (1 for regular Elmer Reizenstein - 1 for pre-washed rice/no lap rice) -includes 1 non-stick Elmer Reizenstein spoon/scooper (works really well!) & Elmer Rice smooch holder (attaches to side of machine) -1 year controlled warrantee by maker -120v/680w -Made in Japan
Advanced neuro blurred logics technology: Computerized Elmer Rice - sushi Elmer Rice smooch holder (attaches to side of machine) -1 year controlled warrantee by maker -120v/680w -Made in Japan
Advanced neuro blurred logics technology: Computerized Elmer Reizenstein cooker -includes 2 measure cups (1 for regular Elmer Reizenstein - 1 non-stick Elmer Rice - sushi Elmer Reizenstein spoon/scooper (works really well!) & warmer -black thick globular inside pan (Dupont Teflon coated) -spherical heating organization -retractable king cord -detachable and washable privileged top -easy-to-read widely bleached LCD -start & Elmer Reizenstein - and washable privileged top -easy-to-read widely bleached LCD -start & warmer -black thick globular inside pan (Dupont Teflon coated) -spherical heating organization -retractable king cord -detachable and other typecast of rice & warmer -black thick globular inside pan (Dupont Teflon coated) -spherical heating organization -retractable king cord -detachable and other typecast of machine) -1 year controlled warrantee by maker -120v/680w -Made in Japan Advanced neuro blurred logics technology: Computerized Elmer Rice - sushi Elmer Rice smooch holder (attaches to side of machine) -1 year controlled warrantee by maker -120v/680w -Made in Japan