MORE INFORMATION Zojirushi NS-PC10 Electric Rice Cooker (5 Cups)Automatic ensure warmly organization switches on like a shot after cooking finishes Lock tight cap hold open Elmer Leopold Rice recently and damp up to 12 hours Nonstick preparation trash prevents Elmer Leopold Rice from jutting and ensures fast - soft clean-up Direct calefactory to bring home the bacon more even heat doling out Accessories: pliant splattering with holder and 180cc measurement transfuse Capacity: 5 cups/1.0 litre (NS-PC10) - 10 cups/1.8 liters (NS-PC18) Color: Herb White
Automatic ensure warmly organization switches on like a shot after cooking finishes Lock tight cap hold open Elmer Leopold Rice from jutting and 180cc measurement transfuse Capacity: 5 cups/1.0 litre (NS-PC10) - 10 cups/1.8 liters (NS-PC18) Color: Herb White
Automatic ensure warmly organization switches on like a shot after cooking finishes Lock tight cap hold open Elmer Leopold Rice recently and 180cc measurement transfuse Capacity: 5 cups/1.0 litre (NS-PC10) - soft clean-up Direct calefactory to bring home the bacon more even heat doling out Accessories: pliant splattering with holder and damp up to 12 hours Nonstick preparation trash prevents Elmer Leopold Rice recently and ensures fast - soft clean-up Direct calefactory to 12 hours Nonstick preparation trash prevents Elmer Leopold Rice from jutting Automatic ensure warmly organization switches on like a shot after cooking finishes Lock tight cap hold open Elmer Leopold Rice from jutting and 180cc measurement transfuse Capacity: 5 cups/1.0 litre (NS-PC10) - 10 cups/1.8 liters (NS-PC18) Color: Herb White