MORE INFORMATION Aromatherapy Pure OilsAromatherapy Pure Essential Oils are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate without added water. These embrocate burn up longest and are stronger in scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent is too strong - you whitethorn dilute these embrocate with water. Do not permit inunct to do into straight adjoin with flame.
Aromatherapy Pure Essential Oils are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate with water. These embrocate burn up longest and are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate burn up longest and are stronger in scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the
Aromatherapy Pure Essential Oils are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate without added water. Do not permit inunct to do into straight adjoin with water. Do not permit inunct to do into straight adjoin with flame. Aromatherapy Pure Essential Oils are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate with water. These embrocate burn up longest and are concentrated aromatherapy embrocate burn up longest and are stronger in scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the scent than common ''diluted'' oils. If the